Lava mobiles will soon launch two new Android based smartphone in the market, the Lava Iris 503 and Iris 352e. The specifications of both the handsets are quite generic. The Iris-503 comes with 5inch capacitive touch screen display, 1.2GHz dual core processor and packs with 5-megapixel snapper at the back. The Iris352e comes with entry level specs, it features 1GHz dual core CPU, 3.5 inch capacitive touch screen display and 256MB of RAM.
Lava Iris 352e specifications
- Android v4.2 jelly bean OS
- 3.5inch 320x480p resolution display
- 1.0GHz dual core CPU
- 256MB of RAM
- 512MB ROM
- 2MP primary camera
- VGA secondary camera
- 1450mAh battery
- 32GV with the use of micro SD card
- 2G, WiFi, Bluetooth, G sensor
- Price : INR 3500
Lava Iris 503
- Android v4.2.1 Jelly Bean OS
- 5-inch qHD (540×960 pixels) Display
- Dual SIM
- 2000 mAh battery
- 5 MP rear camera with Flash, BSI sensor
- 1.2MP front facing cam
- 4GB internal memory
- 32GB expandable storage
- 512MB RAM
- 3G, 2G, GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi
- 10.45mm thick
- Price : RS 7700