Xolo has launched two new android smartphones, the Xolo Q800 X Edition and A500s IPS. The handsets comes with some improved specifications over there predecessors. The Q800-X comes with a 4.5 inch qHD capacitive touch screen display, 1.2GHz quad core processor and packs with 8-megapixel shooter at the back. The A500s-IPS has 1.2GHz dual core processor and 4inch IPS display at 233 PPI. Both the handsets comes with Anti-theft app, which allows you to track phone location remotely.
Xolo A500s IPS
- 1.3GHz dual core processor MT6572W
- Mali 400MP GPU
- Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS
- Dimensions : 125 x 63.2 x 8.98mm
- Dual SIM
- 4inch capacitive touch screen IPS display
- 5MP AF rear camera with Flash
- VGA front cam
- 720p HD video recording and playback
- 3G, 2G, WiFi, Bluetooth v3, GPS
- 1400mAh battery
- 512MB RAM
- Price : RS 7250
Xolo Q800-X Edition specifications
- 4.5-inch IPS Display with 960×540 pixels resolution at 245 ppi
- 8 MP rear camera with Flash, BSI sensor
- 1MP front camera
- 9.6mm thick and weighs 143.5 grams
- 1.2GHz quad core processor
- Android v4.1 Jelly bean OS
- Full HD 1080p video recording and playback
- 4GB internal memory
- 2100mAh battery
- 3G, 2G, Bluetooth, GPS, WiFi
- Price : Under RS11000 (expected)